October 14th comes round again, time to take a half-halt.
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October 14th comes round again, time to take a half-halt.

If you're healthy, and you're with horses every day, please take a few seconds out today to be thankful and grateful.

October 14th has come round again. My heart goes out to those who have paid the ultimate price and their loved ones, due to horse accidents. It also goes out to all those maimed and paralyzed through injuries too.
Horse riding is dangereous whatever the discipline, we all know the risks yet we choose to continue. Why?? Because somehow horses are 'Good for the Soul". Accidents can happen when you least expect but you can take positive steps to minimize the risks.
Horses respond best to confident riding. They need preparation, schooling, fitness and ability to jump at the level they're being asked to do. Time faults can cost you places and feel painful, but a bad fall is more painful.
So keep 'Kicking On' bravely, as riding unconfidently is more dangerous, but always have in the back of your mind that the law of averages may just catch up with you if you take too many risks too often. Ride within your capabilities and within the capabilities of your horse.
With the benefit of hindsight my advice to eventers would be to improve the dressage imeasurably and ensure to give your horse time to see the cross sountry jumps a little better.

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