Happy smiling love! and using bespoke
Hack up bespoke team

Happy smiling love! and using bespoke

Cant image life without Troy.

Jayne & Alex

I can’t tell you how much I love this horse and that photo always makes me smile no matter how bad a day I’m having…. I’m also so sorry for your losses of your dressage horse and daughters pony just this week, it always upsets me so much even if I don’t know the horse personally, I can’t imagine not being without Troy and it upsets me even thinking about it or other people having to go through it :-(

Troy came over from Ireland when he was 12, he arrived in the UK with a dealer looking like a rescue case, after having a few homes in a short space of time he ended up coming to me. He has always had a bit of an attitude but it soon became clear it was more than that, he was very grumpy, girthy and we always struggled to keep weight on him. Over time we have discovered he has ulcers and recurrent red worm, he also has lots of wear and tear on his joints, probably through many years hunting and jumping with the odd fall thrown in. Troy has been on Hack Up Bespoke Joint and Digestive for the last couple of years and although 20 this time he seems to be really enjoying life, he clearly doesn’t think or act like he's that age and he looks better than ever!

I love that photo so much it really captures our relationship!

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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