BD East invited us to partner them
Hack up bespoke team

BD East invited us to partner them

Thankyou BD East for inviting us to be involved!

It was a great day when I got call from BD East to ask if we would be their main sponsor as their marketing exectutive was a loyal and keen Hack Up fan!

The Eastern team have been so supportive in us wanting to get involved, involve more people and have FUN! Stressage is not in the East it is Happyage!

The word of Hack Up is spreading through the region and our website support is now helping the small dedicated team of people become more efficient and helping and communicating to us.  Dynamic bespoke coding has created the first ever level checker for your competitions. This came about when we were struggling to work out what level 5 different rider and horse combinations could ride at.  We could see that poor Katharine Perry was about to be inundated with calls for help!!!  So we have hopefully got ahead of that pressure by being a supportinve sponsor driven by wanting to delivery our agreement of increasing particiaption.

The rules of 2017 have been used to create the checker but the results are created from the information you put into it. Therefore please double check all your content to ensure you ride at the right level, we still have to pass back final responsibility to the rider - but what we are able to do is present you clearly and easily to the rules that we now need to adhere to.

Good luck on the circult and have fun!


Jayne GIngell xx




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