Monty Is Going Better and Better
Hack up bespoke team

Monty Is Going Better and Better on his Bespoke

I was at my wits end, trying to keep weight on my boy, nothing was working. Now he is glowing and looking better than ever. Thank you Hack Up.

This is my horse Monty before in April and the bottom pic is him now in August all thanks to Hack up. I was at my wits end,  trying to keep weight on my boy, nothing was working. Sugar and starch were off the table as they made him unrideable but the high fibre diet he was on was not giving him the condition he needed. After an extremely in depth and helpful chat with yourselves not only do I have a horse that I can ride without fearing for my life, he's glowing and looking better than he ever has done. Thank you!
Melissa Midgley

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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