Remi Hacking Out Again
Hack up bespoke team

Remi Hacking Out Again On Hack Up Bespoke

Remi gets very highly strung and difficult in the winter and when we go out hacking. Having tried many calmers in the past and struggled to find one that works it is a great relief to have found Hack Up.

My boy Remi - have been using Hack Up for a few months now and keep meaning to leave a review. Having tried many calmers in the past I've struggled to find one that actually works. Remi has always been a superstar out competing but gets very tense and spooky out hacking, He also becomes very highly strung and difficult to handle during winter (he hates the bad weather!) - since using Hack Up he's been a lot more relaxed to hack (still have the occasional spook but no where near how he was) and isn't walking along with his eyes on stalks waiting for the next monster to appear - we can actually enjoy ourselves now, plus he's been so so much more chilled to handle this winter - not once has he reared whilst being led (his favourite trick) or broken away from me - definitely an improvement!!


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