Halt, ReinBack.
Hack up bespoke team

Halt, ReinBack.

So you think that if the halt is square and the reinback is 4 steps then you deserve a 10?? Hmmmm, well not exactly, but it's a good start!!


To get a good reinback you need a good square halt. Without a square halt the first step of the reinback will not be in diaganol pairs so both the halt and the reinback likely to be marked down.
It's not just the number of steps that's important, the quality of the steps will be assessed intently. The steps should be large, in diagonal pairs, off the ground, confident and rhythmical. The direction of the reinback should be straight back, not deviating, whilst the horse remains softly 'on the bit', with the head vertical and the contact elastic. A willingness to flow fluently backwards without exuding tension nor resisting will be considered too.
If this is a movement you can do well, then do it very well and get the best marks possible, there are ways and means to highlight this ability. Conversely if this is something you struggle with, then there's ways to minimise losses.


Training the reinback
What you're really after is the ability to do a whole range of different reinbacks, to be able to dictate the speed, the rhythm, the length of stride and the direction of the reinback. So you practice doing a few small steps then stop, the a few larger steps, then stop and so on. Be sure to get the number of steps you want each time and reward vocally and a little pat to reassure. Vary the speed at which you reinback too, so varying the stride length. Praise more on the bigger more confident steps taken backwards. You can push the quarters slightly more one way than the other by being firmer with one leg aid, the change it to the other side. This will add an extra dimension of control to your reinbacks.
Practice these in different places, both in the school and on hacks. Someimes don't ask for reinback either. Simply halt and move forwards again. That'll reduce the risk of anticipation. Nail the halt and reinback, then all you have to think about is moving forwards with quality and style!!

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