Is your horse's frame allowed to be a little too long in a test?
Hack up bespoke team

Is your horse's frame allowed to be a little too long in a test?

I seem to be writing this at the bottom of quite a few tests recently.


"Calm and regular test with horse trying hard to please. Needing to be a little rounder in outline with hocks coming under further to achieve a 'supple throughness' and self carriage. With minor adjustments of more connection and forward desire the performance would be more attractive and engaging."

I seem to be writing this at the bottom of quite a few tests recently.

Usually, a slightly deeper seat combined with more activity being channeled softly from the hocks through the back into a more elastic contact with the neck a little rounder (arched), can increase each mark in the test substantially. Get someone to record you so you can see the big difference we see when you make this change.

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