Riding corners!!
Hack up bespoke team

Riding corners!!

How many corners are there in your next test?

Riding corners!!

How many corners are there in your next test?
If you ride each one well, then I can assure you that your % will increase dramatically. Yesterday I saw approximately 1,000 corners, some good and some not so good.

In Elem 53 there’s a movement of ..
C Collected canter right
M 10m circle

Well the 1st pic shows how 80% rode it.
The 2nd pic shows how 20% rode it.

No guesses which competitors gave me the impression they had achieved self carriage and were entitled to a higher mark for the 10m circle BEFORE they even started it.

Think of every corner as a quarter of a 3-5m circle. Go as deep into it as you can without losing rhythm or balance. In fact, use every corner as an opportunity to re-balance your horse and engage the hocks further under,
Be sure that you have sufficient bend and that the hind legs follow the front legs. If you go in too deep you run the risk of ruining the quality of the trot or canter so be careful to avoid this.
Very few people actually practice corners when schooling, they just practice circles and serpentines – Why? Practice riding deeper into your corners and impress us.
Remember to keep your horse round, rhythmical, connected and supple through the corners – and the deeper you can get into them the better!

So go on, show us some proper corner riding today.

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