Jess Bright keen to share a remarkable transformation in Millie's condition.
Hack up bespoke team

Jess Bright keen to share a remarkable transformation in Millie's condition.

Without the support from the supplements, it would have taken us at least twice as long to reach this point.

A really heartwarming 'Before and After'

"Millie arrived with us in January where she was so weak she could barely walk to the field. She had no muscle, burns down her hind legs, no weight and was nervous with people. 5 months of your amazing supplements and consistent work (starting on the ground, and building up to hacking), to help build up her strength, she is like a completely different horse!!

Can't thank you guys enough!!!

Without the support from the supplements, it would have taken us at least twice as long to reach this point. She now jogs to the field, is an angel to handle, hacks without issue and flies around the field with ease!

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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