Buy & Book facility is 1 year old!!!
Hack up bespoke team

Buy & Book facility is 1 year old!!!

The Buy & Book facility is simple, logical and common sense, so it was always bound to work <3

687 customers have opted for it (averaging of 2 B&B's per customer) since July 2017.
Already 32 customers have re-ordered (because they've got through it faster than anticipated).
1/3 of those have started a B&B for another horse or dog as well.
Almost 1/2 of all sales are Buy & Book sales.
There have been almost 2,000 new customers in the last year and many of these have ALREADY expressed an interest the Buy & Book facility.
I need to order MORE INGREDIENTS from our fabulous and NOPS APPROVED suppliers <3
Let me know if you're interested....

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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