DIGEST coupon code gets you 50% Extra free product in 1kg size or 30% Extra free in 2kg sizes.
Hack up bespoke team

DIGEST coupon code gets you 50% Extra free product in 1kg size or 30% Extra free in 2kg sizes.

The autumn 3 - 4 week window of change is here!! This creates issues for many horses and ponies. We CAN help.

DIGEST coupon code  ..... covers the extra for you.

For most, their routines change over the next 3 - 4 weeks from being predominantly 'out' to being predominantly 'in'. Daylight hours lessen and the ambient temperature varies hugely during the day (from below freezing up to 18 degrees). Their fibre intake is lessened and the amount of mooching around is reduced.

As a result, horses and ponies often display signs of discontent either through their behavior and/or by physical changes too. Invariably, we get inundated with refine queries, which of course we're here to do for you. Rule of thumb, if you have a bespoke that contains 'Digest' in its title then it's best to increase the daily dosage during this 3 - 4 week period.

To make up for this we are making a DIGEST coupon code available, so you get 50% extra free product in a 1kg size or 30% extra in a 2kg size.

Try ensure that plenty of hay is available for all those prone to digestion issues. Don't stress yourself as they always settle again once used to their new routine.

If you need any help or advice the Hack Up Bespoke Team is here for you.

So, if you haven't already done so, please register and tell us about your horse/pony/dog on here and we'll get some recommendation on your file for you to assess, free of charge.

Offer ends on Bonfire Night (5.11.18).

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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