Put Variety In Grids
Hack up bespoke team

Put Variety In Grids

Alex's Tips

Put VARIETY in grids.

Usually, if bounces are used, people set up a bounce to a stride then to 2 strides. Don’t be afraid to try different things like strides to a low wide parallel, then to bounces. This really helps get them to pick up if they’re prone to ‘jumping economically’ or fall on the forehand and lean on you after a jump. Using water trays, plastic bags or even buckets under the parallel to focus them further on being careful too, so use a little more leg to compensate them backing off at the last moment. Ensure that any object placed under jumps has no sharp edges and is stable, so won't fall down or flap around in the wind.

Grids are perfect for teaching straightness and fluency too. The beauty of grids are that you can guarantee getting to the middle and end jumps on the perfect stride so they're real confidence givers. I can remember being so proud of what I jumped in grids as a kid; remembering that jumping the same sized jump on its own being a lot more challenging!

This is "Hack Up Fred" again becoming a nimble giant at 17.2hh


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