Caring for ourselves as much as our animals
Hack up bespoke team

Caring for ourselves as much as our animals

When the GP prescribes peppermint for digestion you realise there is a sea change for the better going on.

The journey of natural products for humans is changing. Many of us are moving back to nonchemical solutions and self-help. When prescribed peppermint oil by my GP for pain in my digestive tract I was amazed to notice a huge difference in hours and from being bed ridden was out competing within three days, I felt like a story thousands of riders write about a bespoke! 

The powerful herbs and minerals that we feed our animals every day are created to meet all the criteria for all the International standards, authorities and competition bodies, which makes what we do every day so rewarding.

The power of peppermint, the calmness from chamomile the generous antioxidants in ginger means we all should look into the ingredients we are using for horses to care for ourselves. I have now ordered Boswellia from Amazon and urge everyone to reach out to learn about herbs for ourselves because every day I see how much care we give our animals and families who all rely on us so heavily.

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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