Hack up bespoke team


Facebook friends, yard friends, old friends, new friends - be a great friend and spread the word about Individual Holistic Horse care AND get free POINTS as a thank you.

Over 1million hand-made products behind us is a huge achievement. Not only have we turned the supplement industry thinking upside down we have shared a lot of points and clothing as a thank you to everyone who has joined in our journey.

Holistic health has gathered in pace over the last ten years. It is what bespoke is all about. We do not claim to target a joint or change the brain that is stressed. We work with the gut, with toxin-free bodies, and put back in nutrition what nature intends us to have, that age and workload steadily take out.  We can not turn back time but we can add in to our horse's and dog's diet what we know is reducing by just being alive.

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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