Hack Up Bespoke Supplements and Dog Behaviourist Helen Goodall
Hack up bespoke team

Hack Up Bespoke Supplements and Dog Behaviourist Helen Goodall

We have been closely working with Canine Behaviourist Helen Goodall to support each other's customers.

Helen Goodall is a Dog Behaviourist who we have been working closely with after she first saw brilliant results on her horses and then she asked if we could support her rescue dog who had the most terrible skin. She had used many products and was using natural ingredients which she was finding helpful but hoped a bespoke could be more effective.

She was so impressed with the outcome she decided to try Hack up Bespoke on her other dogs to combine Bespoke and training. The results were amazing. When using natural herbal ingredients with behaviour training it provides a great combination for good results.

Using a Bespoke can reaffirm training and can assist in the initial outset. In time it is possible that the Bespoke can be reduce, even removed once training is 'installed and retained'. We love the fact that we can assist in the rehabilitation of dogs which make their lives and the owners' far better in the long run

Helen has been a marvellous advocate for Hack Up Bespoke and refers customers she thinks will benefit from a combination of natural ingredients and training. Similarly, we pass on her details to customers we feel need a little extra guidance or those who ask for details of a reputable trainer.

About Helen Goodall

Helen has been a practicing Dog Behaviourist for over 18 years. She also works as the resident Dog Behaviourist at a veterinary surgery.

Helen's Special areas of interest are;

  • Reading body language in single dogs and groups
  • Dealing with aggression in any breed
  • Stress: the effects and resulting behaviour
  • Communication and confidence building
  • Specific experience in the rehabilitation of the following breeds; Border Collies, Gundog breeds, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Terriers and Bull-breeds

She has taken in many rescue rehabilitation dogs and successfully rehomed them. The latest addition is Manny, a Shar-Pei who was a stray in very poor condition. You can read his story on the Canine Stories page!



  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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