Dressage RingCraft Slots
Hack up bespoke team

Two sets of earpieces means dressage RingCraft slots can now be shared.

As prices go up, the cost of an hours RingCraft lesson has dropped substantially, just share it with a friend!

It seemed a bit daunting at the time, but it’s clear that Alex is a man who CAN multi-task!
Trialling the idea on his wife Jayne and daughter Katya a day or two before a competition at Wix in Essex, Katya and Jayne shared an hours RingCraft slot with Alex sitting in his car at C. He went through Nov 37a and Elem 40 with Katya on Frankie in his left ear ... and Med 61 and Med 73 with Jayne on Hyperion in his right ear. The thought of it beforehand was 'mind boggling’ but in reality the session was productive and easily worked through. 

There were times that both pairs were turned on at the same time and then changed to ‘one on one’ for individual test execution. It worked a treat. 

So if you’re looking to polish up your dressage test performances, you can now either come on your own for an intensive (and often mind blowing) 1 hour slot on your own, or you can come with a friend and share the lesson, on a slightly less intensive basis. 

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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