Corinne Mummery enjoys the calming effect of a calming bespoke and Liquid Caalm combination.
Hack up bespoke team

Corinne Mummery enjoys the calming effect of a calming bespoke and Liquid Caalm combination.

Much more relaxed after a dose of Liquid Caalm yesterday, she also has her daily bespoke calm and digest, thanks for great products. Read more about this preformulated product

Thought you might like to see how much Becky enjoyed the pole work clinic yesterday. On Friday she wouldn't go near the poles, showed how fast she can run backwards and that Highlands can jump all three poles from a standstill!
Much more relaxed after a dose of Liquid Caalm yesterday, she also has her daily bespoke calm and digest, thanks for great products Alex Gingell

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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