Danny - More Relaxed on Calm Digest Detox
Hack up bespoke team

Danny - More Relaxed on Calm Digest Detox

Just a month ago we moved to a new yard and Danny was very stressed and tense. I started giving Danny the Calm/Digest/Detox and within a month he was more level headed and is not getting so wound up.

Just over a month ago we moved to a new yard and Danny was very stressed and tense, to the point where I was in tears everyday and I was starting to write an advert for him! Since the accident I lack confidence and with his greenness sometimes it isn't a good combination. I didn't really know what to do, a friend used Hack Up so I just thought I would give it a go. I started Danny on the Calm/Digest/Detox and he's been on it for about a month. He is more level headed now, and doesn't get so wound up. It helps that after about 2 weeks he had realized the new yard was home and had made a horsey friend. It's lovely to see him so relaxed. He is still tense sometimes, particularly in the mornings, I got in the habit of always riding in the afternoon so he can be fresh in the morning. 

I have never been a supplement giver in the past but I have bought a second tub of Hack Up Bespoke as I do think it has helped Danny. Now 3 out of the 4 horses at my stables all use Hack Up Bespoke products!

Many Thanks to Alex and the Hack Up Team


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