Looking Better, feeling better, moving better!
Hack up bespoke team

Looking Better, feeling better, moving better!

I was worried that having a baby was going to upset Ruby, but I should've known that she was in Hack Up's safe hands.


I've just had a baby and have had to make the massive sacrifice of putting my beloved mare Ruby on full livery because I just don't have the time anymore. I wanted to give her something that would keep her in great condition, keep her comfortable and keep her happy and relaxed. Your product has done just that! Following a back operation Ruby is difficult to keep comfortable and well, let alone with me only riding her three times a week. I honestly can say she has never felt better. As well as striding out in confidence and comfort when out hacking, I lunged her the other day and I have never seen her move like it! I was completely taken aback,  it was like lunging a different horse! 
I thought I would worry about Ruby constantly with only being able to see her three times a week, however it makes it so much easier that when I do see her she is happy, comfortable and looking brilliant! Thank you so much! You've not only made Ruby happy but enabled me to relax and concentrate on my little one. 
Bethany Hobbs

  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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