Calm Enough to Achieve 73.9% in a Dressage Test in and Open Field
Hack up bespoke team

Zeus Calm Enough to Achieve 73.9% in a Dressage Test in an Open Field

Zeus was a quirky, stressy thoroughbred who I was at the point of retiring due to dangerous behaviour. Hack Up was my final attempt at finding a solution. Within a few days, even his normal schooling had improved. He semed to focus more and listen to my i

I have owned Zeus for a few years now, he can be your typical tb. Quirky, stressy and sometimes down right dangerous.

A point came two years ago after an explosive episode at a sponsored ride. We never even made it onto the course! At this point there was a decision to be made, retire him to just schooling and hacking as these unexplained moments of "hissy fits" were becoming too dangerous for all involved. Or go hell to metal in finding a solution.

Previous to this he had extensive testing to ensure everything health wise was ok. After a long discussion with a respected horsey friend, it was decided that these episodes are not worth the battle at his age (19) But something inside of me knew he wasnt ready to be an OAP just yet.

Hack up bespoke was our last chance saloon. And boy what a difference. Within a few days, even his normal schooling had improved. Just taking that edge off to allow him to focus on instructions. He is on calming digestive powder all the time and in preparation for shows/big scary things we give him a daily dose of Step Free a few days before.

Recently we accomplished something I never thought was possible... a dressage test in an open field. We smashed it! 73.9%

I strongly believe that the combination of your products allowing him to listen and focus and our determination to prove the critics wrong allowed us this new lease of life! Thank you to Alex and the lovely team!

Lots of love and carrots

Rhi and big ginge


  • Tailored supplements bespoke team

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