Instant calming, horse calmer,
Hack up bespoke team

Debbie uses Liquid caalm on all her horses.

Was particularly useful when he came in for the farrier for first time.

I use Liquid Caalm predominantly on Champs, my ex racer. Mainly for pre-travelling and before riding or any potentially stressful situation - so pretty much life in general. I normally put it on a little feed (he always gets a feed before working as had ulcers) and he eats it up no problem now.

I have also recently used liquid caalm on my new (arrived last week) unbacked 4yo. He was rather unsettled so I syringe some down his throat as he’s a picky eater. Was particularly useful when he came in for the farrier for first time. He’s now settling and i find I don’t need to use it on Olly now. However I’ll have it on hand for when I back him in next few weeks.

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